ATLAS MARITIME LTD and its Management are fully committed to ensuring the health, safety and security of all crew members and staff on board its vessels and in its offices, contracted personnel and any other persons who are directly or indirectly linked with its business and operations. The Company, considering the nature of the job, in the interest of Health and Safety on board and in order to protect them (persons under the age of 18) has opted that no person below the age of 18 shall be employed or engaged or work on a ship managed by the Company.
ATLAS MARITIME LTD is committed to conducting its business with integrity and in accordance with all international, national and local laws to which its business activities are subject.
ATLAS MARITIME LTD will ensure that the concept of safe operations is conveyed and understood by all employees and that safe working practices are fully implemented on board all its ships.
ATLAS MARITIME LTD aims to achieve the following objectives, through implementation of our Health and Safety Protection Policy:
- Safety at sea
- Injury and Human Loss Prevention
- Prevention of Damage to Property (Vessel & Cargo)
- Security on Board for the Crew and the Ship
ATLAS MARITIME LTD, engaged in Shipping Management Services, is committed to a ZERO TOLERANCE policy and dedicated to the protection of the environment and the prevention of any pollution. In line with this strong commitment, ATLAS MARITIME LTD has established and is implementing an Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 standard. The Company has evaluated its activities and has identified and assessed those aspects, which have or can have significant impact on the environment. Procedures to manage and monitor those aspects have been established. The objective of the Company is to prevent pollution of the environment from the following sources related to the aspects of its operations: Oil, Noxious liquid substances, Sewage, Garbage, Dangerous Goods, Ballast Water, Cargo Vapor and Engine Emissions, Halons, Noise and Anti-Fouling Paints.
ATLAS MARITIME LTD through the Environment Management System is committed to:
- Compliance with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements. (As applicable and/or deemed necessary by the Company)
- Providing adequate resources for the achievement of the set objectives and targets and for establishing, implementing and improving the EMS.
- Providing appropriate training to personnel whose work may create a significant impact upon the environment.
- Continual improvement of the overall environmental performance.
ATLAS MARITIME LTD has ensured that:
- The Environmental Policy is posted and is available to the interested parties as well as to the public.
- The Policy is documented with a commitment to implement, maintain and communicate it to all employees.
- Provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.
- The Policy is available to and understood by all employees, and any persons working on Company’s behalf, in the office and on board the vessels.
- The need for the organization to clearly define the scope of the EMS is recognized.
It is the Policy of ATLAS MARITIME LTD to provide quality and professional ship management services to Shipowners and Charterers, in order to gain the confidence of its clients, seafarers and the marine industry in general, and to be recognized as a trustworthy and dependable Ship Management Company. This is achieved through:
- Consideration of the Company’s context and aligning the Quality Management System with its strategic direction
- Compliance with the current regulations
- Satisfying the relevant customers’ and interested parties’ needs and requirements
The Company adopts a proactive approach concerning any/all legal requirements and the needs of its clients and is responsive to their comments, requests, suggestions or complaints, trying always to improve the value of its service.
The Company sets measurable and meaningful quality objectives, follows and reviews them for ensuring continuous improvement.
It is required from all Company employees to know and understand this Policy.
This policy is available to all interested parties, as appropriate.